

Bob McDavitt's ideas for sailing weather around the South pacific

13 July 2008

BOBGRAM 7issued 13 July 2008




Issued 13 July 2008 NZST

Bob McDavitt's ideas for South Pacific sailing weather.

(Disclaimer: Weather is a mix of pattern and chaos, these ideas come from the patterned world of weather maps, so please fine-tune to your place).



Just a quick weathergram this week—I have people staying here for teh weekend and limited time to look at the weather.




The South Pacific Convergence Zone is increasing in activity especially over eastern Solomons and extends from there to Wallis /Futuna and then southeast across the Niue/Southern Cooks area...the eastern section of the zone is likely to spread north onto Samoa this week.




Not a good week for sailing across the Tasman Sea. We have disturbed weather in the Tasman - with a front reaching NZ on Tuesday and a Low and front on Friday and Saturday.


NOTE:  I am on leave from on 14 and 15 July and then again from 18 to 25 July so next weathergram may be delayed a while and I’ll be unable to do any voyage forecasts during that time.


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