

Bob McDavitt's ideas for sailing weather around the South pacific

24 November 2019

Bob Blog 24 Nov




Compiled Sun 24 Nov 2019

Bob McDavitt’s ideas for sailing around the South Pacific.

Disclaimer: Weather is a mix of pattern and chaos; these ideas are from the patterned world.




The following notes have been summarized from a blog by Marshall Shepherd at


Most lightning flashes (roughly 80% or so) are intracloud (IC), either cloud-to-air (CA) or cloud-to-cloud (CC). It is the cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flashes that pose a risk to us.


Lightning is a giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere between clouds, the air, or the ground. In the early stages of development, air acts as an insulator between the positive and negative charges in the cloud and between the cloud and the ground. When the opposite charges builds enough, this insulating capacity of the air breaks down and there is a rapid discharge of electricity that we know as lightning.


Here are the 5 steps that occur in a cloud-to-ground strike:


1. A channel of negatively charged ions surge toward the ground in very distinct steps. This is called a stepped leader.

2.As the stepped leader (and its various branches) move toward the ground, it attracts streamers of positive charge from the ground.

3.The electrical potential of the stepped leader connects to the ground, tree, building, or whatever is available in the pathway. The negative charge starts to flow down the pathway.

4.A return stroke explodes "up" the pathway or channel, and this is what we actually see as the lightning stroke. It happens so fast that you may not easily discern the direction of propagation.

5.If there is enough charge left in the cloud, subsequent dart leaders can use the same pathway created by the initial stepped leader. The return strokes associated with dart leaders are why lightning seems to flicker.


The atmosphere is a very good insulator, so lightning seeks the path of least resistance. Because the atmosphere is a good electrical insulator, lightning is looking for the path of least resistance. Lightning often strikes taller objects like trees, buildings, antennas, and metal poles For this reason, we often advise you to get inside if possible. If you are caught outdoors during lightning, and if no shelter is available, crouch low, with as little of your body touching the ground as possible.

6.Stay away from plumbing or water pipes. Metal piping conducts electricity.

7.Don't get near electrical equipment like televisions, stereos, or the other fancy smart electronics in homes today.

8.Avoid concrete walls and flooring. Concrete is often supported by metal rods or frames.

9.Don't use a corded phone, however cellular or cordless phones are fine.


Here is a summary of “A Detailed Analysis of Lightning Deaths in the United States from 2006 through 2018.” (John Jensenius, Jr)


During this 13-year period fishermen accounted for more than three times as many fatalities as golfers, while beach activities and camping each accounted for about twice as many deaths as golf. From 2006 to 2018, there were a total of 38 fishing deaths, 23 beach deaths, 19 camping deaths, and 17 boating deaths. Of the sports activities, soccer saw the greatest number of deaths with 12, as compared to golf with 10. Around the home, yard work (including mowing the lawn) accounted for 18 fatalities. For work-related activities, ranching/farming topped the list with 19 deaths.


While these results may be surprising, there were other results that were not. For example, males account for more than 80% of the fatalities, and weekends are the time of week most likely to experience a lightning fatality.


Myth: If it’s not raining, there will be no lighting

FACT: Lightning can occur without rain—often happens in Australia triggering bush fires.


Myth: Rubber tires on a car or rubber shoes protect against lightning

FACT: It’s the metal surrounds of a car that acts as a Faraday cage, protecting you from lightning when inside (just don’t touch the radio).


Myth: people struck by lightning carry an electrical charge and shouldn’t be touched.

FACT: No, they don’t. It’s safe and necessary to help them immediately. Lightning can disrupt or stop the heart rhythm and may require a defibrillator. If someone has stopped breathing after a lightning strike, start CPR and call 111.



The Tropics

The latest cyclone activity report is at and TCFP tropical Cyclone Formation Potential at

Active cyclones at present are FUNG WONG and SEBASTAIN (now in mid-North Atlantic and remains are aiming for UK).

Large potential for development this week over the Guam area and east of northern Vanuatu (along 70E).



SPCZ=South Pacific Convergence zone.

The SPCZ is very active to north and NE of Vanuatu with a tropical Low NE of northern Vanuatu. This Tropical low is likely to deepen and may become a Cyclone for next few days as it travels south along around 170E, skirting the eastern edge of Vanuatu. Should fade by end of the week and drift west across mid or south Vanuatu.

Another Convergence zone is expected to hover around southern Cooks/ southern French Polynesia .


Subtropical ridge (STR)

HIGH over northern NZ on Monday is expected to travel off to the east along 40s this week.

Another HIGH is expected to enter the Tasman sea on Wed and cross northern NZ on Sun 1 Dec.


Tasman Sea /NZ/Aus

Trough crossing northern NZ on Wednesday night followed by S/SE winds on Thursday /Friday then light winds over the weekend from incoming High. Next trough is likely mid-next week (3-4 Dec) preceded by NW winds that may get strong west of northern NZ on Tues 3 Dec. OK for sailing from Fiji /Tonga to NZ this week, with waypoints to handle the changing winds near NZ.

For Noumea to Aus: OK to o next few days but remains of that possible cyclone on Sun /Mon /Tues 1/2/3 Dec with variable winds.



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17 November 2019

Bob Blog



Compiled Sun 17 Nov 2019


Bob McDavitt’s ideas for sailing around the South Pacific.

Disclaimer: Weather is a mix of pattern and chaos; these ideas are from the patterned world.



We have had a taste of winter in New Zealand late August/early September, followed by a few weeks with disturbed lows and fronts, but this week is looking more on the HIGH side.

A good parameter to watch, to forecast southerly blasts is the Southern Annular Mode (SAM), or its proxy called the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), SAM describes the north to south movement of the westerly wind belt that circles Antarctica, so it can be used as a predictor for cold air reaching our mid-latitudes.

When SAM is positive, the belt of strong westerly winds contracts towards Antarctica. This results in weaker than normal westerly winds and higher pressures over mid latitudes, limiting the northern extent of cold fronts.

A negative SAM event indicates an expansion of the belt of strong westerly winds into the mid-latitudes. This weather pattern results in low pressure systems over mid-latitudes such as New Zealand, with more (and stronger) storms.

We can see the latest forecasts for the AAO (a good proxy for SAM) at


There was a Sudden Stratospheric warming over Antarctica, and that encourages streamers of cold air to break off Antarctica into the Southern Ocean and further north at times. The SAM index shows this with its negative values since last October, and even the forecast for the next week or so is for negative SAM. Yuck.



TropicsTheThe latest cyclone activity report is at and TCFP tropical Cyclone Formation Potential at

Active cyclones at present are KALMAEGI, FENGSHEN and RAYMOND

Large potential for development this week over the Guam area.



SPCZ=South Pacific Convergence zone.


The SPCZ is expected to stretch from PNG to Samoa ---a tropical Low is expected to form NW of Fiji by Wednesday. Its future is uncertain, but there is a good chance it may onto Fiji or Vanuatu next week, so get some updates.


There is also a convergence zone over Australs and Gambiers this week.


Passing trough over Tonga on Friday, expected to travel east followed by light variable winds.


Subtropical ridge (STR)

HIGH in north Tasman sea is expected to fade on Tuesday.

Another HIGH is expected to move into South Tasman Sea on Wednesday and stall in the Tasman Sea until maybe Tues 26 Nov.

Tasman Sea /NZ/Aus

Trough crossing northern NZ on Monday, a brief ridge of light winds on Tuesday, then another trough on Wednesday. That second trough is expected to develop a Low east of NZ from Thursday to Monday, travelling NE. This maintains a southerly wind between NZ and Tonga, so not good for getting to NZ.

For Noumea to Aus, OK this week with trade winds.



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10 November 2019

Bob blog 10 Nov



Compiled Sun 10 Nov 2019

Bob McDavitt’s ideas for sailing around the South Pacific.

Disclaimer: Weather is a mix of pattern and chaos; these ideas are from the patterned world.


The state of the ENSO

The Southern Oscillation Index SOI sums up the weather pattern over the South Pacific as one number. It is based on the standardized difference in the barometer readings between Tahiti and Darwin.

SOI (30 day running mean) touched El Nino territory in mid-September but is now relaxing.

It was below -10 units on this Australian scale for  4 weeks. 


 SOI trend (x10) since 2016 showing us in neutral territory as at

The Ocean: The warmer the sea the quicker it evaporates, tossing water vapour into the air, where is rises and cools into cloud. The equatorial Pacific region hosts the widest and warmest sea on the planet. Thus its sea surface temperatures SST may be thought of as a factor in the running of planetary weather engine. When SST in the target zone (equatorial Pacific between dateline and Galapagos) are notably cooler/warmer than normal, this is called a La Nina/El Nino episode.


 Sea surface temperature anomaly as seen at

Nino 3.4 index has been in neutral territory since May, and spent 4 weeks cooler-than-normal in September.

SO both SOI and NINO3.4 parameters are in neutral territory for now. For  an outlook on  the possible  future,  go  to

which shows an erratic future with 1 model going for an El Nino and another for almost a La Nin, but most models staying in neutral territory.



The latest cyclone activity report is at and TCFP tropical Cyclone Formation Potential at

Pray tonight for those being hammered by cyclones such MATMO over Bangladesh, and NAKRI over Vietnam.  At least HALONG is staying over a mostly open ocean.

Large potential for development  this  week over the  Guam  area.



SPCZ=South Pacific Convergence zone.

The SPCZ is expected to stretch from PNG to Samoa and then to Southern Cooks.

Passing convergence zone trough over Australs and Gambiers this week.

Passing trough over Fiji tonight, Tonga on Tuesday,  and fading by Thursday.


Subtropical ridge (STR)

HIGH is expected to linger east of NZ near 40S 160-150W until midweek then move off to the east.  Has enhanced trade winds on its north side, but not intense enough for a squash zone.

Next HIGH should form near 30S  in North Tasman on Monday and  travelling east, passing north of  NZ on Wednesday  then  fading from  Thursday,  but lingering as  a ridge over  northern  NZ for  the  weekend.


Tasman Sea /NZ/Aus

Trough crossing northern NZ tonight and Monday. Ridge on Wednesday, then another trough on Thursday. A lingering ridge for the weekend., then a NW flow for most of next week.

Good to depart tropics this week for NZ – but after the passing trough (reaching Tonga on Tuesday).

For Noumea to Aus, OK this week if you time your trip around the travelling  High.

Avoid arriving in  Australia  on Sat/Sun 16/17 Nov due  a passing trough/low


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03 November 2019

Bob Blog 3 Nov



Compiled Sun 03 Nov 2019

Bob McDavitt’s ideas for sailing around the South Pacific.

Disclaimer: Weather is a mix of pattern and chaos; these ideas are from the patterned world.


Sea Surface temperature anomalies as at start of October compared with the start of November  may be seen at


The anomolies in the North Pacific are starting to relax. There is a new build up in heat in the Tasman Sea and  Southwest Indian ocean

To see how the annual weather cycle and the seasons are working out, we can check the average isobar maps for past 30 days and their anomaly from


There has been a change in the anomaly pattern during the last month, with a relaxation of the High anomaly over Australia, and the swap, south of Africa, from higher-than-normal to lower-than-normal.

Zooming into the NZ area, and comparing monthly anomalies for end of last month with now, (but with a change in the colour scale), shows that the subtropical ridge STR has weakened and it’s most intense spot has shifted from eastern Australia to west of Australia.   Isobars over NZ have weakened, with the 1010hPa isobar in much the same place as last month, and 1005 hPa now further south. There is still mainly a SW flow over NZ, but it’s weaker than it was.




The latest cyclone activity report is at and TCFP tropical Cyclone Formation Potential at

At present there are there named storms MAHA, MATMO(weakening), and HALONG, and strong potential areas in China Sea and around Guam.  



SPCZ=South Pacific Convergence zone.

The SPCZ is expected to have an active week over PNG, some activity over northern Vanuatu and northern Fiji, and be weaker than normal further east to Samoa.

Weak convergence zone between Samoa and French Polynesia at times this week.

Burst of SSW swell around 3m affecting as far north as 18S this week due to a deep low near 40S.


Subtropical ridge (STR)

HIGH is expected to cross northern NZ by Tuesday and then travel east along 30 to 35S. 

Next High from Australia may reach Tasman sea by Sun 10 Nov.


Tasman Sea /NZ/Aus

Trough over eastern Aus coast with thunderstorms on Sunday/Monday turning into  a Low east of Coffs by Tuesday then going off to  S and fading on  Wednesday.  Broad trough in Tasman by Friday, crossing NZ and Fiji on Mon 11 Nov.

For Noumea to Aus, no good this week:  has a passing trough that reaches Noumea around Wednesday. Then westerly winds along the route


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