

Bob McDavitt's ideas for sailing weather around the South pacific

17 September 2015

Tsunami currents today

Last night’s Tsunami arrived at Chatham Island around midnight NZ time and has been affecting east facing NZ harbours with swirling currents.


At Tutukaka, north of Whangarei in Northland locals are commenting the onset wave was around half to 1 metre high, and currents have been coming for ten minutes then going for ten minutes , and different parts of the harbour having different currents—something like a 20 minute tidal cycle.

A good web site to see the impact is which shows the waves compared with the normal tides, and also has a “de- tided” diagram 


Today’s image shows that the Tsunami currents had their largest wave heights at onset, and are still going.  There have been several aftershocks in Chile ,  so these currents may be expected to linger all day today.

Bob McDavitt


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